Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Hunter is still healing from his J-tube surgery pretty well however has developed a infection around the flat disk of the tube. He is currently on antibiotics to help clear up the issues.   In 6 weeks we return to the hospital to get the button placed in so he will have 2 separate ports, one for medications and one for feed.  

Below is a picture of a feeding button he use to have. It's a G-J tube button.  The top port is the J-tube where he was receiving his food.  And the side port is the G-tube where he gets his medications. 

  (This picture does not belong to Hunter)

The problem with this particular tubing is it requires careful care.  If dislodged, to replace it requires a trip to a specialized hospital, namely Johns Hopkins to have it placed back in.  However a GI doctor, like Hunter's decided that the better option was to have a separate ports to prevent the emergency need as well as an easy flow of his formula, which he is currently on Elecare, an amino-acid-based, hypoallergenic formula that is specifically designed for infants and children with special feeding issues.  Elecare formula comes in powdered form so mixing it can cause a blockage in the lining of the tubing. 

So now we are preparing ourselves for two ports.  
The J-tube is the tubing that is on the lower right side and the G-tube is the upper left. 

The buttons are called, Mic-Key Buttons. They are a small button-sized ports. See the pictures below.

They are easy to care for and easy for removal and if it comes out it takes simple steps to replace it.

1 comment:

  1. wow! Thanks for the info Sam! Its good to learn these things! I am glad that this is easier for you! I am sure its easier on him too! Take care!
