I found out I was pregnant with my baby in February 2004. Through the beginning of the pregnancy it was uneventful no problems seem to have shown. I went through the typical pregnancy motions, although I never suffered from morning sickness since those 3 weeks in January when I was feeling nauseous on a daily basis. I never prepared myself to think I was pregnant. I figured it was the stomach flu since that seemed to be going around at work. I finally made a Doctor's appointment who had told me that I was pregnant. I was shocked.
In April of 2004, I got to hear my baby's heartbeat for the first time, and then in May I saw him for the first time with my Mother when I went for an ultrasound. I knew long before being told that I was having a boy and got my wish confirmed when on the screen my little one appeared.
Several weeks later; while at my Mother's I felt bloated, almost like I was heavy in my abdomen area. Short time later I felt wetness and saw that I was bleeding. My Mother then rushed me to the hospital where I was placed on bed rest. During my stay in the hospital I had another sonogram done which showed that my placenta had torn off the walls of my uterus and was covering my cervix. I was ordered on strict bed rest but was allowed to get up to use the bathroom. By Tuesday the bleeding had stopped and the Doctor allowed me to get up in a wheelchair for short periods of time. Also during my short stay, Hunter remained calm with no distress. Tuesday night my Mother and Sister visited with me. Sometime during their visit I felt this aching in my lower back. Thinking it was just me being up in the chair I went back into the room and returned to bed.
Overnight the discomfort didn't ease up. My night was becoming a disaster but the baby remained calm, although somewhat moving most of the night. Thinking it was constipation because the monitors showed no signs of contractions, the nurse kept giving me something that will help it. I was given prune juice, apple juice, and even cranberry juice. Nothing helped. I tried to sleep when I can but kept waking up when pain would shoot through me. Finally by 5 am it became apparent that I was contracting. Through my morning the contractions came and went. I tried to remain calm until I saw that I was bleeding once more. I called my family in distress but the nurse told them that everything was fine. The nurse placed me on magnesium to keep the contractions under control. The stuff made me burn up with a fever. Finally the Doctor appeared and assessed me and stated that I needed to delivery my baby. While being wheeled out, my family appeared and saw what was going on.
At 10:03am my baby was born via C-section. Sadly I wasn't able to see him afterward since I was healing from my surgery but family was able to go with his Dad and took pictures. He was named Hunter James, born June 9, 2004 weighing 1lbs. 8.8oz and was 12.5in long.
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